Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Delights


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish, and I decided to share my list with all of you also!

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is Top Ten Book Delights! Shall we?


1. Going to the bookstore


2. Picking up a random book and loving it


3. Getting approved for a ARC you have been dying to read




5. When others reader(s) loved the same book as much as you did


6. Book covers that are works of art


7. Discovering new books


8. Books in the Mail

And there you have it folks! Some of my favorite bookish delights! Let me know what bookish things make you happy in the comments down below!

21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Delights

  1. I love when I get approved for ARCs that I’m really excited about or when I get one that I wished for on netgalley. I feel like I’m part of some club or something, is that weird?

    I just found a couple of gems walking through anthropologie, which was totally unexpected, and now I’m recommending them to anyone who will listen.

    Totally agree with all of these though! Great post. 😀

    My TTT. (:


  2. Absolutely LOVE getting approved for ARCs I’m excited for–that’s always a sure-fire way to make my day about a billion times better than it was before!

    Also, the puppy in the mailbox GIF is absolutely adorable.

    Awesome post this week! Here’s my TTT, if you’d like to check it out!


  3. Oh yes yes YES with the ARC approvals. I still feel really new to NetGalley, so I still get a totally dance-around-the-living-room thrill when a publisher agrees to let me have a book. This may never wear off. I’m good with that 🙂


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