Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Problems


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish, and I decided to share my list with all of you also!

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is my top ten bookish problems.

1. When someone tells me I have too many books…


2. When I have to wait 6+ months for a sequel to be released…


3. When someone interrupts me when I’m reading…


4. When someone tries to tell me spoilers..


5. When people tell me reading is boring…


6. Telling myself “only 5 more pages” and finishing the entire book…


7. Becoming emotionally invested in the character and then the character dies…

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8. Walking into a library and not being able to control how many I really NEED…


9. Getting so engrossed in a book that you don’t realize someone has been having a conversation with you for five minutes and you haven’t heard a single word…


10. Having no money because I spend it all on books…


17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Bookish Problems

  1. Ha! These are great.

    I’m a total bookworm and have been for as long as I can remember. A few years ago we had a house fire, and our insurance adjuster told me he had never inventoried so many books before. We ended up losing all of our kids’ books (which numbered in the hundreds) due to smoke damage, but we got back almost all of our books after they’d been cleaned. When we moved back to our house after it had been restored, we wanted to simplify our lives (translation: fewer belongings) so we decided to sell all but our favorite books. We had at least 20 bankers boxes full of books for sale, and they were the main draw of the yard sale. Of course, in the ensuing 3 years we have managed to accumulate a lot of books again. We need more bookshelves!


  2. Number 9 is probably my favorite on your list. I can relate to many others as well, but that one – – It gets me into trouble sometimes. LOL


  3. These are great. I used to love to read, and I still do but can’t seem to find the time! You just reminded me of what it was like to LOVE to read…I need to rekindle that Love!


  4. Pingback: Top Ten Tiesday: My Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics I Have Ever Done | onenightbookstandblog

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